Friday, November 1, 2019

The Pros & Cons of Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence [AI]

Developments in AI are leading to drastic changes in the way we live.AI and Algorithms can already detect many diseases, cancers, and can control the worlds around us.

How will AI change our society in the future?

The rapid growth of AI will provide many opportunities, but it does come with many dangers. Algorithms can decide whether to grant loans, who is an insurance risk, and how good employees are. But there is a huge problem: humans can no longer comprehend how algorithms arrive at their decisions. And another big problem is AI’s capacity for widespread surveillance.

  • Which decisions can we leave to AI & which do we want to? 
  • What are AI’s social implications? 
AI and Machine learning can be used to create sound and video recordings which will make it more and more difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. It will make the world of work more efficient and many professions superfluous.