Saturday, September 14, 2019

New lung cancer detection AI outperforms human radiologists

Lung cancer has been one of the major health disasters across the globe. This is because it kills thousands of people every year according to the recent clinical statistics. It is true that very few people survive from this complication just like the AIDS patients. Therefore, we can say that lung cancer is the second world’s health disaster after AIDS. Once you have been diagnosed with this complication, your life is always in danger simply because the chances to survive are actually very low. Most of the survivors from this health disaster go for health insurance simply because their lives are exposed to serious danger. It is also worth noting that not all health insurance providers will accept to offer the lung cancer survivors insurance policies. They have to carry out some medical examination for these people to qualify for a health insurance policy.  This means that these cancer survivors are always disadvantaged since nothing goes smooth on their side. Therefore, it is good to stay away from anything that is likely to increase the chances of getting this kind of cancer, smoking being one of them. If you are a smoker, you should be aware that your day is coming and the best way to do is to quit smoking as early as possible and avoid being diagnosed with this type of cancer. Statistics show that individuals who quit smoking before the cancer cells fully develop are not at risk of getting lung cancer. Therefore, it is up to you to make a decision of whether or not to quit smoking and reduce the chances of getting this kind of complications not seen in synthetic biology

There lots of facts about lung cancer. These have been realised through several clinical tests with people who have been diagnosed with this type of cancer. One of the facts is that cancer is the second health disaster in the world. About 90 percent of individuals admitted in hospitals due to cancer complications comprise of lung cancer patients. This means that this type of cancer precedes AIDS in terms of deaths that it causes every year. Therefore, it is good to avoid those cancer-causing agents such as tobacco and stay healthy. Another fact is that smoking increases the chances of getting this type of cancer by almost 60 percent. This means that smoking can pose your life in danger and put you in major health problems. This is because the tobacco smoke contains carcinogenic substances that cause this type of cancer. The first cigarette that you smoke increases the chances of getting this type of cancer what happens to be that these carcinogenic substances settle at the walls of wind pipes inside your lungs. As you continue to smoke, more and more of these substances accumulate inside your lungs. Remember that smoking damages the cilia lining in the lungs that is responsible for sweeping away dirt that gets into the lungs. Having cilia destroyed, it means that dirt will not be expelled from the lungs hence accumulate there as long as the person does not stop smoking. These carcinogenic substances get converted to cancer cells. They also convert some of the normal cells in the lungs into cancer cells and start to dig deep in the walls of the trachea inside the lungs. This continues for quite a long time until the person is diagnosed with lung cancer at his or her 70’s. At this point, the lungs are fully invaded, and nothing can be done to the victim other than to wait for the fate. Therefore, it is good to quit smoking and avoid getting this disastrous complication.

Lung cancer patients are nowadays surviving, but not all. This is due to the introduction of chemotherapy that can kill the cancer cells. This is actually an effective way to treat cancer, although it does not work all the time. There are specific chemotherapy drugs that can be administered to cancer patients and get it treated completely. These drugs treat different types of cancer, lung cancer being one of them. The drug can be injected or taken orally as capsules or in the liquid form. Chemotherapy has got some disadvantages, especially the side effects. The working behind chemotherapy is actually simple. It kills the cells with fast division, which is one of the characteristics of cancer cells. In this process, some of the normal cells get damaged simply because they possess these characteristics. These include cells lining up the intestines and the mouth. Therefore, you should be very careful when undergoing chemotherapy or you have all your normal cells killed in the process.

Patients with lung cancer should ensure that they undergo the right treatment. If you are diagnosed with this complication, it is good to look for a personal doctor who will handle your case privately. Therefore, the chances of you being a lung cancer survivor depends on the type of treatment you receive and also the kind of doctor you had.